If you had told me that a glass could change the way my whisky tastes, I would laugh have laughed in your face.  I have drunk whisky from many a glass (or plastic red cup) and have always found the taste pleasing… especially the more drinks I had.

But then, one of our esteemed DMD members, introduced me to a glass that would forever change the way I drink whisky and any liquor for that matter.

DMDLifestyle.com is proud to introduce one of our newest partners, the Norlan Glass.

Watch my YouTube review to get my honest review and first taste of whisky out of a Norlan glass.  It is truly amazing how much one glass can make a difference in the taste, flavor, aroma, and satisfaction that comes with drinking whisky, bourbon or any other top shelf liquor that truly deserves to be savored in the best glass possible!

To really enjoy the experience, use a whisky ice ball.  NOTE though, you must use the smaller size whisky ice balls like these from our Amazon affiliate store.

We do NOT have an affiliate code with Norlan, but we do have an exclusive discount code that you can get by emailing me or leaving a comment below.