✨FEATURE FRIDAY!✨ Today we wanted to feature Curtis Webster Jr., Founder and President, Dads Married to Doctors (DMD). 👏👏👏

Curtis first decided to stay home with his kids while his wife worked as a physician. 🥰 He found it difficult to not only find a community of dads, but a community of dads who understood the extra challenges that come with being married to a doctor.💕

Knowing he probably wasn’t the only person who felt this way, he founded the organization, Dads Married to Doctors, a community designed to provide support for all dads who are married to busy professionals. 💪You can listen to more of his story in episode #3, “When She’s the Doctor: Learning to be the Stay-At-Home Dad”.🎧 https://marriedtodoctors.com/shes-doctor-learning-stay-hom…/

When asked about his one piece of advice to he’d give to a fellow physician spouse he said… 👉

“JOIN A COMMUNITY that supports Physician Families. Life is better when we do life together! This is my mantra in life. In our conversation in Episode 3, at one point we talked about living a life of no regrets and maximizing life at every stage of the medical journey. Many of us as we endure the grind of physician training and put everything on hold for medicine.
To help us learn how to look up and to stop and smell the roses, JOIN A COMMUNITY that supports physician families. Get involved and take the time to get around a group of like-minded folks in medical marriages that can help you enjoy life, both now and in the future. Take those online relationships and turn them into OFFLINE FRIENDSHIPS because Life is BETTER when we do life TOGETHER!”

Amen! Wise words! 🙌 Joining and building a community that gets it is so important on this medical journey! 😄

🧐Learn more and connect with Curtis and other dads married to doctors at Dads Married to Doctors Group (DMD) or www.dadsmarriedtodoctors.com🔍

The original post can be seen here – https://www.facebook.com/marriedtodoctors/posts/2237027583257717?__tn__=-R