DMD Gives Back to Help Build Youth Leaders and Readers with the Non-profit Give More HUGS (Helping Unite Giving Souls)

All of us Dads Married to Doctors want our children to learn to read and develop a love for reading throughout their life. Reading is fundamental. Reading builds knowledge and power. However, 1 in 300 children in a low-income neighborhood has access to books at home. It’s astonishing. One of our very own DMDs, Chris McGilvery, founded Give More HUGS, a nonprofit organization that we have supported over the years. From a book drive in Vegas to supporting schools after Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston and surrounding cities. “The nonprofit operating model is awesome! Not only are they committed to children reading, but they are mentoring students to develop leadership skills that are much needed”, explained Dads Married to Doctors Founder, Curtis Webster.

The nonprofit operates with a “Students for Students” model aimed at helping ALL students learn how to read and succeed in school. They train student leaders to host book drives and school supply drives to equip underserved kids with the tools they need to get a quality education. There is literally nothing more important in a democracy than having educated citizens — and Give More HUGS trains students to be social leaders to boot!

You can help them win a BIG grant by making a small donation today. $10 could turn into $100,000! This is the last week to help them win a big grant. The more donations they receive the higher chance they have in winning a grant from 25,000-100,000.

Click here to donate and enter our DMD raffle. See raffle rules below:

Donations will qualify you for a raffle drawing. The raffle winner will have the chance to win BIG:

  • Year supply of coffee (sponsored by Manuel Nardi’s Caffe’ Degli Angeli)
  • Beer or Liquor of your choice (sponsored by DMD)
  • DMD Gear (Sponsored by Sir Curtis and the DMD Store)


10 dollars= 1 raffle ticket

25 dollars= 3 raffle tickets

50 dollars = 7 raffle tickets

100 dollars = 20 raffle tickets

Raffle winner will be announced on April 13.

DMD Gives Back is the charitable wing of the international organization Dads Married to Doctors (DMD).

Donations can be made on-line at:


The international organization, Dads Married to Doctors (DMD), is made up of over 3,600 dads in 25+ countries who want to give back in a big way through the DMD Gives Back Program.

If you would like to schedule an interview with Curtis Webster Jr, founder of DMD, or Chris McGilvery, please contact Curtis Webster Jr at (919) 805-2673 or