
Recently, DMD member Olen, posted in our private forum for Dads Married to Doctors.

My wife and I are missionary physicians in Chad, Africa. Years ago, we purchased a video surveillance system for our hospital to prevent theft and it worked really well. Before the system, people were stealing from us and impacting our ability to treat the community. 

Well, then the thing broke (heat and dust and unstable generator-driven electricity). And we moved our pharmacy and cashier and lots happened, but we didn’t replace it.  Now, everybody knows it’s gone and there is definitely some shady stuff going on again, so we need a new one. 

When Olen shared this post in our group, he immediately gained the attention of several members who wanted to help.  A fellow DMD member who provides security camera equipment and consulting has put together a package that will replace and upgrade Olen’s system.  

Since Olen and his wife, Danae, run their hospital on a shoestring budget, DMD Gives Back is asking the membership and any community supporters to help us raise the necessary funds to give back to these doctors who have graciously given so much of their expertise and time to those who need it most!

In recognition of all these doctors and their staff do, DMD Gives Back would like to honor the Netteburg’s for Doctor’s Day 2019 by providing a new security system for the hospital.

Please join us by donating here:https://www.grouprev.com/DMDGivesBacktoOlen


The international organization, Dads Married to Doctors (DMD), is made up of over 3,600 dads in 25+ countries who want to give back in a big way through the DMD Gives Back Program.

“These dads have the unique role of being married to physicians and are often the primary caregivers of our children,” says DMD Founder, Curtis Webster Jr. “The number of female physicians is on the rise and women are the growing majority in medical schools and practices. With these societal and industry changes, many dads are rising to the ranks by supporting their family and community in a big way.”

The DMD Gives Back program was created to help create momentum, awareness and support nonprofit organizations doing amazing work to transform lives. “I believe our dads were inspired to give to the Netteburg’s because it will help them further their mission of serving Chad’s most at-risk and vulnerable citizens”, said DMD Founder, Curtis Webster Jr.

DMD is committed to social responsibility, using the power of our Community to provide resources to worthy causes around the globe.

If you would like to donate to Bere Hospital with the DMD Gives Back Program, please visit: https://www.grouprev.com/DMDGivesBacktoOlen

Contact Info:
Name: Curtis Webster Jr., Founding Father
Organization: Dads Married to Doctors LLC
Address: Cary, NC 27519, United States
Phone: +1-919-805-2673

For more information, please visit https://www.dadsmarriedtodoctors.com/doctorsday