This Week in Parenting

This Week in Parenting

This Week in Parenting is intended to be a weekly look at parenting talk around the web, amongst the DMD community, and occasionally, just stuff I’m dealing with around the house. The language is occasionally strong and the opinions reflect only the author....
Dad Jokes – 11/28/2016

Dad Jokes – 11/28/2016

We’ve all heard them and we all love them!  Here are a few of my favorites this week!                                       Got a dad joke that you or your kids love?...
Treadmills are Evil

Treadmills are Evil

It’s a few days after Thanksgiving 2016 and I don’t know about you, but I ate some good food and I’m in no hurry to see those calories go anywhere.  My personal trainer may have a different thought, but for now…        ...
A Holiday Disruption

A Holiday Disruption

A version of this story appeared at It contains some adult language, for which I suspect you’ll forgive me. As a caretaker dad running a business, married to a severely overworked physician, I think about time the way most people think about...
Thanksgiving Beer Pairing Suggestions

Thanksgiving Beer Pairing Suggestions

You’ve been invited to a Thanksgiving get together and you’re not quite sure what beer would go well with the food being offered. It’s your turn to host and there’s always that one aunt or friend who doesn’t like any of the drinks...
3 Things Vegas Taught Me About Parenting 

3 Things Vegas Taught Me About Parenting 

September 9-11, 2016.  Treasure Island Resort and Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada.  2 Days.  21 guys.  Our First DMD (Dads Married to Doctors) Retreat.  Dads only, no spouses, no kids.  And it was on this retreat that I learned how to be a better parent.  Here are the 3...
Treadmills are Evil

Community Post: Being a Doctor’s Husband

In the community post series, I present a question to over 2,000 dads married to doctors (via Facebook’s DMD group) and return with a sampling of their collective wisdom. Some answers have been gently edited for formatting and length. In the first installment, the...
Treadmills are Evil

Fearless Fathers and the Power of Community

When I answered society’s call for present, hands-on dads, I figured it had a place picked out for me—it kind of didn’t. As a work-at-home dad and the primary caretaker for an awesome little boy, I joined the ranks of a growing demographic many still haven’t quite...
Welcome to DMD Lifestyle!

Welcome to DMD Lifestyle!

Welcome to DMD Lifestyle! The content on this blog is written by DMDs (Dads Married to Doctors) but is designed for all busy dads or parents married to busy professionals. Let’s face it… we’re all busy. When we got married and started having kids, we...