Norlan Whisky Glass – Review and Unboxing

Norlan Whisky Glass – Review and Unboxing

If you had told me that a glass could change the way my whisky tastes, I would laugh have laughed in your face.  I have drunk whisky from many a glass (or plastic red cup) and have always found the taste pleasing… especially the more drinks I had. But then, one...
Should Physician Couples Combine Their Finances?

Should Physician Couples Combine Their Finances?

For many medical couples, combining finances might be a big mental hurdle to overcome once they tie the knot. After all, you’ve been “on your own” through medical school, residency, or maybe even after training. You’re used to managing your own money, and you might...
Should You Rent or Buy Your Home in Residency?

Should You Rent or Buy Your Home in Residency?

There’s nothing more exciting than matching into a residency program, especially after four years of enduring medical school. Plus, with that new work contract often comes new colleagues, a paycheck for the first time in a long time, and perhaps a new city to live in....
Butcher Box – Review and Unboxing

Butcher Box – Review and Unboxing

As a busy dad, I can’t think of anything better than having access to a company who has dedicated themselves to providing high-quality meats to me and my family at a great price (less than $6 per meal) and conveniently to my door on my schedule!...
Plastics: To Use or Not To Use

Plastics: To Use or Not To Use

Plastics have played an enormous role in increasing our quality of life. There is practically nothing that we do that hasn’t been improved or made possible by plastics… so the importance is not really up for debate. The concern, however, is whether it is safe to...
Parent Review: Super Mario Run

Parent Review: Super Mario Run

Availability: iOS, Android There’s no question that 2016 has been Nintendo’s year. The gaming giant went from a summer full of Pokemon hunting to a fall full of reveals and rumors about both their next console in development, and their miniature classic...
The BIG Career Change–from desk to diapers

The BIG Career Change–from desk to diapers

So…you married a doctor. All of your buddies are ‘high-fiving’ you since, now, YOU just made ‘easy street’. Mom and dad are holding that straight face around company, and whisper to one another how smart their boy is behind closed doors....
How Frozen Should Have Ended

How Frozen Should Have Ended

I have 3 girls under 8!  So as you can imagine we have seen Disney’s movie, FROZEN, about 2,753 times.  But that’s ok… here I stand… the song doesn’t bother me anyway! (now the song is stuck in your head…;) What does bother me,...