SmartyPants Vitamins DMD Dad Joke Contest

SmartyPants Vitamins presents the 2018 DMD Dad Joke Competition Have you tried SmartyPants Vitamins, the Galaxy’s best tasting gummy vitamin?  If not, try it today.  Load up your cart at and checkout using PROMO CODE: DMD2018 to...
The Glamour in Flying the ‘DMD Lifestyle’ Way

The Glamour in Flying the ‘DMD Lifestyle’ Way

When you are a DMD flying on your own with three young kids whose ages range from 5 months to six years you don’t do it to be a hero or because you are brave. You do it out of necessity to get on with the task at hand, however ugly it may turn out because you are a...
A Doctor Gets Terrible Advice on National Radio

A Doctor Gets Terrible Advice on National Radio

It’s hard to find quality financial advice that is specific to physicians and student debt. That’s one of the reasons I started my firm, Physician Wealth Services. It’s also why I was so angry when a client sent me this clip from the Dave Ramsey show where a young...
Can Physicians Really Make Money Doing Surveys?

Can Physicians Really Make Money Doing Surveys?

As a physician, I am always looking to supplement my income. Surveys are a great way to do that on your off time. Initially, it was hard to find surveys that paid well and/or catered toward physicians. Over the years, I have compiled a nice list of physician survey...